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Where Innovation Meets Traditional Craftsmanship


Building Cleaning & Water Repellant

Hart Restoration Group uses many methods of cleaning masonry and architectural or ornamental metal. We use both alkaline acid and alkaline proprietary cleaning agents to clean commercial masonry and we also have a unique cleaning system for marble and limestone that utilizes a gentle low-pressure water mist without chemicals.

Tuckpointing, Caulking & Structural Repairs

With our wide range of expertise Hart Restoration Group is eager to learn how we can help restore your commercial or industrial building to its previous stature. We have a reliable team of professionals to do any tuckpointing, bricklaying or caulking that your project may require. With decades of experience replacing anything from steel columns to spandrel beams, Hart Restoration Group has the know-how to repair many structural concerns as well.

Inspection & Consulting Services

In search of possible causes of deterioration, Hart Restoration Group regularly performs commercial building inspections. We provide full reports of a building’s structural state as a reference for owners. We offer consulting services working with a team of architects and structural engineers that can provide further assistance and stamped drawings, we also write out detailed specifications for future repair projects. The majority of our services pertain to the exterior building conditions but we also provide reports on internal systems within the building. Talk to us in Cincinnati, OH to learn more about our building inspections.

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